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Friday 28 March 2014


This is Foursum foundation’s flagship product that targets the 18- 45 year
demographic. Newspaper Theatre refers to the improvisation performance of
stories in the newspapers.
FourSum Newspaper theatre is comprised of improvising of stories in all Ugandan
newspapers to bring them to the public readers in an artistic form through
using newspaper theatre, with physical and improvisation theatre techniques of
Foursum Newspaper Theatre is a quarterly event that shows at the Uganda National Theatre after every three
month. This event only appears four times a year and it was officially premiered
at the Uganda National Theatre on 31st of January 2014.

Wednesday 12 March 2014



Since the beginning of Bayimba Regional Festival i have had an opportunity to participate has an artists . Bayimba gives a platform to express and share your creative artistic works with the rest of the country and other artists. 

Each year has an artists am always preparing for the Bayimba regional Festivals of the arts and the finally Bayimba International festival of the Arts in Kampala.

Monday 3 March 2014


Street performers Uganda is group that brings together different young creative artists to do their work in the public spaces to charge the social life of other people through using art and culture.
This group came into being in 2011 after being trained by the professional internationally acclaimed artists Warner van Wely and Andre Dienske from the Netherlands street performers from the Netherlands for 5 weeks with the Bayimba Cultural Foundation. In 2011 the group had a country tour with bayimba regional and international festival of the arts 2011.
Since then the group has been engaging in various performances and festivals within the country .the group has performed in the LABA STREET ARTS FESTIVAL organized by the German Cultural Centre in 2012, this is Uganda festival 2011.

·          Interactive vocal and physical performance with no dialogues but with a lot of physical performance, use of images and body statues to tell the life of an African Abandoned Baby. this performance was show cased at sanyu babies home during the painting @ sanyu babies home event 23rd /02/2014.

The group uses arts to effect social change and awareness. We show vices and follies in community through our performances exposing ethnic differences, sexuality, corruption and religious differences.

The group has done this through the monthly performances it carries out on the streets of Kampala city, and its suburbs. Indeed the performances have caught the eye of the public to such an extent that it has led to the growth of street theatre in Uganda.
 A Great performance at the Bayimba International Festival of the Arts 2011 at the Uganda National Theatre Parking Space